Letter from Horace M. Clark inquiring about life in Oregon


Letter from Horace M. Clark inquiring about life in Oregon


Letter from Horace M. Clark to Reverend Horace Lyman. He requests information about the spiritual and economic states of Oregon, hoping to move his family west.


Clark, Horace M.

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





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Hudson O Sept 20 ‘82
Rev H Lyman
Forest Grove Oregon

Dear Christian Friend

I write to request you, being a disin-terested party to rend me some statements of the principal attractive features of the trinity of Oregon, as a point worthy of the consideration of a young man 30 years of age seeking a home + a [?] [?] useful future for himself & a family [?] of a wife 27 yrs old & 5 little ones aged from 1 to 9 years. I was born + raised here on the old homestead which I have always lived with almost addictive affection & when I have always desired to spend my life but recent events seem to indicate that the Master has other designs in regard to my lifetime or if so I know that he has somewhere a place elected for me & that He will guide me to it by means of information received from this. I learn from the Home Missionary that Oregon has attractions possessed by no other territory in the New West. I am early aply containing either written or printed information concerning: 1 the climate, 2 topography, 3 various foundations, 4 prices of lands in close proximity to existing or proposed lines of R.R.;s – possibilities of a diversity of productions on the same farm, 6 prices of farm produce, 7 prices of farm produce & agricultural implements, 8, cost & accessibility of building materials & fencing, 9-, RR. con-nections with eastern states. 10- growth of small towns & dependence of the tendency of the character of the future inheritance upon the character & faith of the first settlers, 11- character & nationality of those who are now settling up the land in your immediate vicinity also their spiritual condition, & last & most important of all, the opportunity now presented for the successful labor in extending & establishing the knowledge of Jesus among the various classes;-will be very thankfully received & carefully considered, because of great value to me in selecting a future home. I am thus told in asking for particulars from you because the statements of Land Agents & R.R. companys are never reliable & I think that you work placed aptly in a position that would keep you thoroughly posted in all the details about which I enquire Your reply will greatly influence & may possibly determine the future location of my family I would like very much to receive a reply of any agricultural papers printed in Oregon as it would be a reliable source of infor-mation on many minor details of which you have no desire to write I am making a heavy debt upon your time but I feel that I may place [?] in your statements in regard to these things, & would receive thoroughly a reply at your earliest convenience

Respectfully Yours Horace M Clark Hudson