Letter from C.C. Creegan with suggestions for ministers in New York


Letter from C.C. Creegan with suggestions for ministers in New York


Letter from C.C. Creegan, Secretary of the New York Home Missionary Society, G.F. Wells. He suggests Horace Lyman and A.L. Drew to fill a position as a minister in New York.


Creegan, C.C. (Secretary of the New York Home Missionary Society)

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








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New York Home Missionary Society.
Rev. A. F. Beard, D.D., Prest.Rev. A. H. Clapp, D.D., Treas., Bible House, New York City.
Rev. C. C. Creegan, Secretary.
Syracuse, N.Y. Dec.22. 1883.

Mr. G. F. Wells,

Dear Bro: If you have no minister in mind I would name to you two men either of whom I think you might get

I, Rev. Horace Lyman late of Oregon now visiting at Indian Falls Clinton Co. N.Y. He is wishing to settle in New York if the way is open. He is a graduate of Williams College and [Andover?] Seminary. has been in Oregon for about-25-years, he was for a time a professor in a College. I do not [?] him has suppose him to be a good man and a fine scholar, you can address him at Indian Falls, N.Y.

L. Rev. A. L. Drew Dr [?] N.Y. Bro. Drew is a good preacher and a man of excellent character. He is a graduate of Auburn Sem and amilton College. I think he is about 45 and has a wife and 4 or 5 children. You can address him at Dr [?] St. Lawrence Co. N.Y. Refer to Rev. O. Jenkins of Brice Hill, and Rev. G. Crass Richaille, N.Y.

In ny and to Rev. Lyman you can refer to Rev. N. M. Barrams, Bible House. N.Y. Your C.C.Creegan