Letter from Reverend William Clift on the Denison family genealogy


Letter from Reverend William Clift on the Denison family genealogy


Letter from Reverend William Clift of Mystic, Connecticut to Reverend Horace Lyman. He discusses the costs for producing and publishing the Denison family genealogy. William Clift (1817-1890) was the son of William H. Clift and Nancy Denison Avery Clift. He served as a pastor in Mystic, Ct.


Clift, William

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





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Mystic Bridge April 23rd 1880

My dear Sir,

The Denison Geneaology for the last five five years, in now nearly ready for the [?]. The [?] which Rev. W. Clift of Mystic Bridge & Rev. Baldwin of [?] has [?] me [?] and [?] these seen. [?] if they will finish the means of publication. Judging from the history of [?] enter [?], we think it possible 300 copies of the work may be wanted. It will cost about $1500, or $5.00 a copy, as published and distributed that number. The Denison Geneaology will contain over 1200 family records, & over 6000 names with brief biographicals. [Aches?] of the fathers, of the [?] living representatives of the clan. It will be illustrated with heliotype pictures of homesteads , family groups, and individuals. [?] parties interested will contribute them, Correspondence in regard to the heliotypes is [?], is hoped that gentlemen of means will take several copies to [share?]. The early certification of the work, such a [?] we purpose to make will be a worthy monument to our ancestors & the precious urgency to our children. No money is wanted until 300 [?] are scen'nd. If you desire one or more copies please address it in easy safe.

Rev. W Clift Mystic Bridge Ct.