Letter from Horace Lyman on his father's travels, Margaret, and investing


Letter from Horace Lyman on his father's travels, Margaret, and investing


Letter from Horace Sumner Lyman to his father. He requests details from Reverend Horace Lyman's recent trip to Union Falls, gives his greetings to his wife, Margaret Duncan Lyman, and advises the possibility of investing.


Lyman, Horace Sumner

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





Other Media

White Salmon Oct 24, 82

Dear Sir,

I was thinking something else I meant Dear Father. I got your card two or three days ago written at Wells, Nev. I remember the little place well. I was glad to learn that you were having a pleasant trip and were well. I trust that you have a good time the rest of the way. You report sometimes I suppose at Uncle As. I do not know as I sent any special word to them by you. If they inquired about me you probably told them how much interested I was, and made up some little [?] for them. Did you stop in Chicago? Mrs. Galvin would have been glad to see you. Describe your trip in detail , tell about its people said and all that. Tell about what you saw and all that. You must also tell [?]fully about your arrival at Union Falls. Nonetheless the doubtfulness of the trip, as you described in your letter to me, you leave [?] over by this time. And I think it was a good job. If it is all good and pleasant I shall be glad to think that Ive in any way contributed to the result. Give my best wishing and salutations to Margret. She has not yet answered my letter, but I suppose she is busy. You probably do not here any [?][?] place about staying or coming if you stay at U. Falls this winter you must be very carful of yourself. It is very cold and [?] in the winter there.

You will probably make your peace with Eliza and George. They may cheerfully express there opinion and as cheerfully with [?] you and Margret conclude to do. You must conclude to come home as soon as you can next spring. If Margret has any money to invest, I might be as well as any way to [?] your timber culture 160. And that way you will get the land without so much hard work and, about as cheap. You could then wait until May or June and have Margret come back with you. That would be a neater way if you could complete it. Urge upon Francis the advantages of this [?] of to a [?]. There is a great chance at Hood River just now to start fruit tell him of it.

God be with you.

Your Son Horace