Letter from Margaret Lyman on the weather, gloves, and missing her husband


Letter from Margaret Lyman on the weather, gloves, and missing her husband


Letter from Margaret Duncan Lyman to her husband/cousin, Horace Sumner Lyman. She discusses the weather, gloves left behind, and missing her husband.


Lyman, Margaret Duncan

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





Other Media

Union Falls March 10th

My Beloved Husband

I wrote you a [f?] lines yesterday. Nothing of importance has since transpired; but I will have an envelope ready + put that draft in: if it comes this P.M.. The weather is more moderate: it has thawed a little + the voice of the crow is heard in our land. But there are indications of a storm; probably Higgins big one. Oh! How I long to hear from you! With an unutterable amount of love.

Your Margaret

March 18th [if?] that draft did not come Sat. I did not send this: but will add a few words + send it today, if the stage gets through. Higgins storm did not prove to be so terrible: some expected it would be. The wind blew some + and it snowed some but on the whole it wasn’t so bad a storm as some of its predecessors this season.

The Sabbath as you may well imagine was to me a lonely day. I felt your absence more then than on other days; but hoped that you were spending the day pleasantly. Did you have your white kid gloves for me? I found the with papers that you left near where your trunk stood + have put them in a box with the ones I wore at the same time. Perhaps it is suitable that they should stay together if the hands on which they were worn are so widely parted. I would that they too might be together. Perhaps you will think me very foolish + weak minded. I think as I have an envelope so addressed I will send this in care of Brother A. and his family please give love from me; if you rec. it there. The storm may have detained you so that you may get it there. It isn’t of much importance any way.

Your M.