Letter to Elizabeth Rees from Son that has Recently been on the Move in the Civil War


Letter to Elizabeth Rees from Son that has Recently been on the Move in the Civil War


Letter was addressed to Elizabeth Rees from her son David Austin Rees from Memphis, Tennessee. He is currently waiting to see if the rebels will possess the city, or if they should move on with their travels. David talks of rumors every day that there may be an attack on them, but none yet. His mother had been concerned about his health in a previous letter since his past history with illness and that type of climate does not go well together. David ensures his mother that his health is great along with other men who haven't had great health in the past but now do. He gives his regards to his mother and father, while also saying he will be more prompt with answering their letters. This is one item from the Rees Family Correspondence Collection, which includes many letters between family members in Oregon and Ohio.


Rees, David Austin




No Known Copyright


Rees Family Correspondence, Pacific University Archives

